General Settings

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General Settings





SharePoint Site Settings opens the normal Site Settings page for the NITRO Portal Site and those settings can be configured using standard SharePoint techniques.


NITRO Site Settings

The settings in NITRO Configurations are used to modify the NITRO Portal Site to meet particular needs. Often, the default settings are sufficient.




General Settings


Regional Time Settings

This sets the Date/Time Format and Time Zone of the Portal.




Cache Site Metadata

This sets the rules on caching site metadata. Caching can be enabled or disabled. Also, "Reset Cache" can be used to clear out the cache, if the cache is enabled.        




List Action Remover





List Actions Security Settings

This sets which groups can Export to Excel and which can use NITRO Print. If left blank, all users can use that function, assuming they have the proper permissions on the List.




Live Chat Integration

This is used to set up Chatbot on the NITRO Portal. The Chatbot can be one of our Bots or one from another vendor. The "Manual" links opens a KB article on setting up a Bot on one of our applications.



Choosing "Other" in the drop list opens a screen where code from another vendor can be added (such as Olark chat)




Security Settings -- covered in another section of the Manual


Teams Connections Settings

This sets up a connection to Microsoft Teams and determines which API to use. Contact us for more details, if needed.

