Use Case - Assign Ticket to Owner

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Use Case - Assign Ticket to Owner

Workflow Use Case

Assign an Owner to a new Ticket based on Ticket Category



On ticket creation, this workflow will assign the ticket to the ‘Category Owner’ for the category selected in the ticket.



Create a workflow on Tickets list item creation event.


WF Use Case 1


Action 1 -

Create a Query List action to get an item from category list based upon the Category selected in the Ticket.


WF Use Case 2


WF Use Case 3


To know more about Query List action, go to Query List.


Action 2

Create an update item action to assign the ticket to Category Owner


WF Use Case 4



Syntax: QuerylistActionName##FieldInternalName


In the Update Item Action use this QuerylistActionName##FieldInternalName syntax to get the field value.

In this case it is GetCategoryItem##CategoryOwner