Equipment Management

How to update “Total Maintenance Cost” in Asset based on its related maintenance tasks sub total

Applies To: SharePoint On Premises and SharePoint Online Description: In our Asset Management Module we have a field “Total Maintenance Cost” in “Assets” list. Also we have maintenance tasks that will be created periodically based on the scheduled preventive maintenance feature for the assets. This article describes how to update “Total Maintenance Cost” in Asset […]

How to configure Recurrence feature using Crow Canyon NITRO Workflows?

How to configure Recurrence feature using Crow Canyon NITRO Workflows Applies to: SharePoint Online   Description   There are many business scenarios where SharePoint list items need to be created based on Daily, Monthly, Yearly basis or based on specific dates. This is used for cases like recurring maintenance tasks for Assets, renewing Contracts etc., […]

How to configure Assets Preventive Maintenance using Crow Canyon NITRO Workflow Manager for O365

Applies to: SharePoint Online (O365) Description: Recurring maintenance tasks and schedules can be set up to track repairs and routine service. Schema: “Asset Catalog” list that has “Maintenance Schedule” and “Template” lookup fields. By design, Assets list is linked to Asset Catalog and it has a column “Enable Maintenance”. If an Asset is maintenance enabled […]