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Crow Canyon User Community Forum

NITRO StudioLast post
AnnouncementsWatch this area for new features and updated functionality with NITRO Studio!13 Topics · 26 PostsLast post: Looping Workflows Released for NIT … · 1 year ago · DavisA
Crow Canyon User Voice (formerly Feature Suggestions)Have a suggestion on a feature in NITRO that you don't see? Add it here! Upvote and comment on ones that you'd like to see, too, so we know how many users would like to see the feature.50 Topics · 128 PostsLast post: NITRO Recurring Request Schedule - … · 4 weeks ago · DavisA
WorkshopsUpcoming live training workshops10 Topics · 10 PostsLast post: NITRO Workshops -- direct link · 2 years ago · Scott Restivo
Forms DesignerDiscuss creating wonderful, useful Forms with NITRO Studio's Forms Designer113 Topics · 376 PostsLast post: Can I get a count of multi-select … · 5 days ago · skigeek
Workflow ManagerDiscuss ways to automate business processes60 Topics · 225 PostsLast post: Email Notification and Acknowledge … · 3 months ago · ab_nj_it
Custom ActionsDiscuss ways to use the Custom Actions tool32 Topics · 106 PostsLast post: Don't process blank values at the … · 3 months ago · pf-amalin
NITRO ReportsDiscuss how to configure and use NITRO reports8 Topics · 19 PostsLast post: Automate Print Manager · 3 months ago · pf-amalin
Other NITRO QuestionsFor any other questions related to NITRO not covered by Forms, Workflows, Custom Actions, or Reports30 Topics · 87 PostsLast post: List View web part. · 3 months ago · pf-amalin
BOTSLast post
BOT CommandsDiscuss how to use the NITRO Bot1 Topic · 2 PostsLast post: NITRO Bot Manual Link · 3 years ago · Scott Restivo