Function: Format Value 2

Applies to: NITRO Workflows and Custom Actions (Online)

For complete list of functions, please refer to this article.


This function is used to get the string output from Date/Number/Currency column in specified format.

Note: Target Column should be Plain Text column.


With Expression Builder Ex:

To use ‘Format Value 2’ function without expression builder use below syntax:


Parameters for the function:


Specify type of input as Currency/DateTime/Number to format the input


Specify the column placeholder, fixed Value, or variable for the input

Format Specifier:

Specify the output format as described below:

Type of source ColumnFormat Specifier with Expression BuilderFormat Specifier without Expression Builder


1. DateTime value will be taken as per time zone configured for the site (regional settings).

2. Specify number for decimal places in format specifier. Default value is 2 decimal places.

For ex:

  • {0:c1}: here ‘1’ represent currency with one decimal place.

For currency format specifier refer below link:

Currency Format In C# (

  • {0:n0} : here ‘0’ represent Number with zero decimal place.

For number format specifier refer below link

Standard numeric format strings | Microsoft Learn

  • For date format specifier refer below link:

Culture Info:

This parameter is supported in NITRO Workflows only. If this parameter is blank then default value is “en-US” which represents country “United State”. Culture Info formats the Currency/Number/DateTime value as per the country specified in culture info.

Note: ‘Culture Info’ is only for format and does not change the date time value as per the time zone of the country.

To know Culture Info Code, follow below link:,a%20number%20to%20a%20string.&text=CX%20%2D%3E%20X%20%2D%20indicates%20the,%22C2%22%20currency%20format%20specifier

Please refer below table ‘formatvalue2’ function usage examples:

Target ColumnParam1: Currency/DateTime/NumberParam2: [Placeholder]Param3: [Format Specifier]Param4: [CultureInfo]Output
Plain Text Column/Variable Ex: [CurrencyUSText]CurrencyPlaceholder/Fixed Value/Variable Ex: [SourceCurrency] = 20000{0:c} $20000.00
Plain Text Column/Variable Ex: [NumberUSText]NumberPlaceholder/Fixed Value/Variable Ex: [SourceNumber]=500{0:n} 500.00
Plain Text Column/Variable Ex: DateUSTextDateTimePlaceholder/Fixed Value/Variable Ex: [SourceDate]= 6/23/2023 6AM{0:dd/MM/yy} 23/06/23
Plain Text Column/Variable Ex: [CurrencyArgentina]  CurrencyPlaceholder/Fixed Value/Variable Ex: [SourceCurrency] = 20000{0:c0}es-AR(Argentina)$ 20.000
Plain Text Column/Variable Ex: [CurrencyGermany]CurrencyPlaceholder/Fixed Value/Variable Ex: [SourceCurrency] = 20000{0:c0}de-DE(Germany)20.000 €
Plain Text Column/Variable Ex: [CurrencyBelgium]CurrencyPlaceholder/Fixed Value/Variable Ex: [SourceCurrency] = 20000{0:c0}fr-BE(Belgium)20.000 €
Plain Text Column/Variable Ex: [NumberArgentina]NumberPlaceholder/Fixed Value/Variable Ex: [SourceNumber] = 500{0:n3}es-AR500,000
Plain Text Column/Variable Ex: [NumberGermany]NumberPlaceholder/Fixed Value/Variable Ex: [SourceNumber] = 500{0:n3}de-DE500,000
Plain Text Column/Variable Ex: [NumberBelgium]NumberPlaceholder/Fixed Value/Variable Ex: [SourceNumber] = 500{0:n3}fr-BE500,000
Plain Text Column/Variable Ex: [DateTimeArgentina]DateTimePlaceholder/Fixed Value/Variable Ex: [SourceDate] = 6/23/2023 6AM{0:dddd, dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm tt}es-ARviernes, 23 junio 2023 06:00 a.m
Plain Text Column/Variable Ex: [DateTimeGermany]DateTimePlaceholder/Fixed Value/Variable Ex: [SourceDate] = 6/23/2023 6AM{0:dddd, dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm tt}de-DEFreitag, 23 Juni 2023 06:00
Plain Text Column/Variable Ex: [DateTimeBelgium]DateTimePlaceholder/Fixed Value/Variable Ex: [SourceDate] = 6/23/2023 6AM{0:dddd, dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm tt}fr-BEvendredi, 23 juin 2023 06:00

Sample use case for FormatValue2 function: Calculate total amount of all associated items when new main item is created and generate a document with item values.

  1. List structure:
    1. “UH – Requests” is the main list.
    1. “UH PFA” is the associated list. It has a lookup column for “UH – Requests” list.
    1.  “UH – Requests” has a NITRO associated items column ‘Associated UHPFA’ to show related “UH PFA” items.
  2. “Amount” is a currency column in “UH PFA” list.
  3. “Quantity” is a number column in “UH PFA” list.


  1. Workflow is configured on the “UH – Requests” list.
  2. Define variables to get the total amount and total quantity specified in ‘Amount’ and ‘Quantity’ column in “UH PFA” list items.
  3. Run Query list action to get all related “UH PFA” items. And in variable mapping, calculate total amount and total quantity.
  4. Configure a generate document action to generate document and attach it to the item.


Define Variables:

Action 1: Get related PFAs

Configure ‘Query Builder’ condition as shown below:

  • UHRequest = lookupid:%%[ID|ID]%%

This will get all related PFAs.

Configure Variable mapping as shown below:

  • varGrandTotal = Get related PFAs##$sum([Amount|Amount])

This will get the sum of Amount of all related PFAs.

  • varTotalQuantity = Get related PFAs##$sum([Quantity|Quantity])

This will get the sum of quantity of all related PFAs.

Action 2: Generate Pdf document for request

Generate a document that has total amount and total quantity of PFAs linked to this request item.

Column mapping for GrandTotal:

Column mapping for Total Quantity:

Column mapping for Created:

Note: ‘es-AR’ is Culture Info Code of ‘Argentina’. So, Currency/DateTime/Number will be formatted according to this Culture Info Code.

Below Item is created in ‘UH – Requests’ list

Generated Pdf document for request is shown below: