Automate creation of Ticket tasks based on the type of Ticket (serial and parallel tasks)
• Example1: A task has to be created automatically if a new ticket has been created with “Email” Category and “Spam” Issue Type.
– Create a Workflow using CrowCanyon Workflow Manager app.
– Create an action “Create Item” like below:
Select Associated Tasks list as Target List, Add field mappings for the fields in Tickets list with Task Name, Related Ticket ID, Description, Due Date, Assigned To .
Refer to the Workflow Manager manual for field mappings
• Example2 : A level-1 task to order a new printer has to be created automatically if a new ticket has been created with Hardware Request Category and Printer Type. On completion of level-1 task, create a level-2 task to install and configure printer.
– Create a workflow to create level-1 tasks like below:
– Create an Action like below:
– Create a workflow to create level-2 tasks like below:
– Create an Action like below:
Refer to the Workflow Manager manual for field mappings
Note:– Field Mappings for Due Date will be like: $add([Created],3:0:0:0)