Applies to: SharePoint On-Premises
Description: Configure incoming email functionality for Problems and Change Requests Modules using Workflow Manager.
a. Creation of new Problems/CRs through email: When an email is sent to the configured e-mail address, a new Problem/CR should be created.
b. Link emails to existing Problems/CRs: If the incoming emails contains CaseId syntax (e.g: [CaseId: 123]), it should link the email to existing Problem/CR.
c. If the mail subject of an incoming email related to an existing Problem/CR contains $Resolved keyword, the Problem/CR should be resolved automatically.
Pre- requisites:
1. Create "Email Problems" and "Email Change Requests" lists (using Announcements list template).
2. Configure Incoming Email address for these lists.
3. Create "RelatedProblemID" and "RelateChangeRequestID" lookup fields these Emails lists pointing to ID column of Problems and Change Requests lists in "Email Problems" and "Email Change Requests" lists respectively.
4. Create "EmailID" lookup field in Problem and CR lists pointing to "Email Problems" and "Email Change Requests" lists respectively.
Summary of Steps:
1. Setup "Email Problems" and "Email Change Requests" lists as described in Pre-requisites.
2. Configure a workflow on Email Problems list item created event to create an item in Problems list whenever an item gets created in Emails list and update value of RelatedProblemID in the Emails item.
3. In the same workflow, create a WF Varaible action with $regextract function to check if there is a valid ticket CaseId in the mail subject. If it contains a valid CaseId, instead of creating a item, just update RelatedProblemID value.
4. Create another workflow to check if the mail subject of an incoming email related to an existing Problem/CR contains $Resolved keyword and update Request Status of the corresponding Problem/CR as Resolved.
Detailed Steps:
Go to Crow Canyon Workflow Manager and create workflows like below:
Workflow1: This workflow will create an item in Problems list whenever Emails list receives an email and also updates the RelatedProblemID in Emails list. It will link this email to the existing Problem/CR if the incoming emails contains CaseId syntax
Configure a workflow on Email Problems list like shown in below image when an item is created
Cofigure below actions:
- Create Item action: This action will create an item in Problems list.
2. Query list action: This action will get the Related Problem item from Problems list.
<FieldRef Name=’EmailID’ />
<Value Type=’Text’>##ID##</Value>
3. Update Action: This action will update the Related Problem Id in Email Problems list.
4. WF Variable Action: If the incoming email contains CaseId then this action will extract the Related Problem ID from CaseId.
Regex for CaseId: $regextract([Title|Title],@.*\[CaseId: (.+)\].*)
5. Query list Action: This action will get the Related Problem with CaseId from Problems list
6. Update Action: This action will link to the Related Problem/CR
Workflow2: If the mail subject of an incoming email related to an existing Problem/CR and contains $Resolved keyword then this workflow will Resolve the Related Problem/CR automatically.
Update Action:
Note: Follow the above stepss to configure incoming email functionality for Change Requests module.