How to create Managed Properties to use Property restrictions in SharePoint Search box

Applies to: SharePoint Online and On-premises

Description: SharePoint search supports the keyword query language and one of the features of this language is property restriction. To use the property restriction feature on a column, that column needs to be mapped to a Managed Property. This property should be Searchable, Queryable, and Retrievable.

Use Case: In Crow Canyon NITRO Forms, we have several options to enhance the lookup columns functionality (under “Advanced” => “Lookup Settings”). Using this we can enable cascading feature to filter ‘child’ lookup as per the selection in ‘parent’ lookup column (for e.g. ‘Country’ lookup column as parent for child lookup column ‘State’). Another feature is to not load the items in the lookup column and instead search the items and then select. This is very useful in scenarios where lookup list has lot of items and form load is slowed down considerably if lookup column is populated at the time of form load. Also, if lookup list has more items than the list view threshold then lookup column will not get loaded at all. With NITRO forms “Do not load lookup list items” feature these problems are addressed as form loads faster and lookup list items can be searched and set in the lookup column even in case of list view threshold exceeded scenario.

If search is enabled on the child lookup, then search results should filter out items based on the value selected in the parent column. This is similar to the case where search is not enabled and lookup list items are shown in the drop down. For this to work, parent column in lookup list of child lookup column needs to be a managed property in search schema. For configuring the managed property, please refer below links. To summarise, if cascading is enabled on a child lookup and search is enabled along with do not load option, then it is mandatory to configure managed property.

Refer this article to create/edit managed property.

Refer this article for keyword query language.

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