Insert and Update records in External data source using NITRO

Applies To: SharePoint Online and On-Premises


NITRO Forms allow integration of external data with SharePoint list data. Please refer this article for more details on various scenarios of fetching external data and populating in NITRO Forms.

We can also write (insert / update) records in SQL server tables using NITRO Forms and Custom Actions. These operations work independently of fetch operations and need to be configured separately.

Detailed Instructions

  1. Crow Canyon provides an API to perform the write operations
  2. Write operation requires connection string to the SQL server and parameters for the data to write
  3. We can use JavaScript action in Custom Actions and NITRO forms to invoke this API. API will invoke a stored procedure in DB to do the required update

In this article, we take an example to update the status of the employee record in database. NITRO forms are configured to fetch “Employee” data from the database table. This is done using External Data column configurations (refer this article).

Summary of steps

  1. Create a stored procedure in database for the write operation
  2. Prepare JavaScript:
    • Specify the connection string
    • Specify the parameter values to call the stored procedure
  3. NITRO Configurations to update employee record
    • Custom Action
    • Forms

1. Create a stored procedure in database

Create a stored procedure in database to update the record as per your requirement. Sample given below updates Employee Status based on the Employee Id.

Sample stored procedure:

USE [DataBaseName]

/ Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[CCS_UpdateStatus] /

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[CCS_UpdateStatus]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@EmpID int,
@Status nvarchar(128)
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.

-- Insert statements for procedure here

update [ExData_tblEmployee] set [Status] = @Status Where ID = @EmpId


2. Prepare JavaScript

In below script, modify the connection string and stored procedure name. Also pass the values for the parameters used in above stored procedure.

Below script is different for SharePoint online and On-Premises. Based on your environment, choose the appropriate script.

Sample JavaScript for SharePoint Online

var serviceURL = "";
var ccWebServiceCall = function (serviceURL, parameters, funcCallback) {
var reqdata = parameters;
type: "POST",
url: serviceURL,
data: JSON.stringify(reqdata),
headers: { "Content-Type": "text/json" },
success: function (data) {
if (data.Error) {
funcCallback(true, data.Error);
else {
funcCallback(false, data);
error: function (data) {
if (data.responseJSON && data.responseJSON.error && data.responseJSON.error.message && data.responseJSON.error.message.value) {
funcCallback(true, 'Error Details: "' + data.responseJSON.error.message.value + '"');
else {
funcCallback(true, 'Error: "' + data.statusText + '", Details: "' + data.responseText + '"');


var objApiParams = {
"name": "UpdateQuery",
"parameters": {
"dbConn": "Server= ServerName; Database=Database Name;User ID=UserId;Password=Password;Encrypt=True;Connection Timeout=30",
"queryText": "CCS_UpdateStatus",
"isSProc": true,
"params": {}

objApiParams.parameters.params["EmpID"] = currentItem.get_item("EmployeeId");
objApiParams.parameters.params["Status"] = "Inactive";
ccWebServiceCall(serviceURL, objApiParams, functionCallback);

In the above script, “EmployeeId” is the SharePoint column which stores unique value of the database record.

Sample JavaScript for SharePoint On-Premises

Make the same changes as described above for On-premises as well.


var serviceURL = _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl + "/_layouts/15/CrowCanyon.CommonUtils/SPDataHandler" + (_spPageContextInfo.siteClientTag.split("$$")[1].split(".")[0] == "16" ? "16" : "") + ".aspx/DatabaseUtils";

var ccWebServiceCall = function (serviceURL, parameters, funcCallback) {
var reqdata = {
methodInfo: parameters
type: "POST",
url: serviceURL,
data: JSON.stringify(reqdata),
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
headers: { "Accept": "application/json; odata=verbose" },
dataType: "json",
success: function (res) {
var data = res.d;
if (data.Error) {
funcCallback(true, data.Error);
else {
funcCallback(false, data);
error: function (data) {
if (data.responseJSON && data.responseJSON.error && data.responseJSON.error.message && data.responseJSON.error.message.value) {
funcCallback(true, 'Error Details: "' + data.responseJSON.error.message.value + '"');
else {
funcCallback(true, 'Error: "' + data.statusText + '", Details: "' + data.responseText + '"');

var objApiParams = {
"name": "UpdateQuery",
"parameters": {
"dbConn": "Server=Server Name;Database=Database Name;User ID=User Id;Password=Password;Encrypt=True;Connection Timeout=30",
"queryText": "CCS_UpdateStatus",
"isSProc": true,
"params": {}

objApiParams.parameters.params["EmpID"] = currentItem.get_item("EmployeeId");
objApiParams.parameters.params["Status"] = "Inactive";
ccWebServiceCall(serviceURL, objApiParams, functionCallback);

3. Configurations to update employee record in database

We can update the employee record using Custom Actions and NITRO Forms.

Using Custom Actions

Go to the list -> List Settings -> Crow Canyon Custom Actions and create execute script action as shown below.

Execute Script action:

Using NITRO Forms

We can invoke the above configured custom action in NITRO forms or we can directly use the script in Submit action on the Form.

Invoke Custom action in NITRO form

Go to the NITRO form settings page, drag and drop the “Submit” action on to the form and configure the submit action as shown below:

Specify script for the action