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Add columns below a nested section.

I have a section and via the cog I have added a section within. I'll call them the outer and inner section to hopefully explain what I'm try to do.
In my outer section I have some form controls. 1 is a checkbox, if this is checked then I want to show the inner section (the form controls are meaningless if the checkbox isn't checked so best to hide them).

Now, below my inner section, I want to add some more controls to the outer section but it appears that the outer section will not allow for more controls below the inner section - either that or my mouse/browser is not behaving. The image shows where I want to continue adding controls for the "training" section.

Uploaded files:
  • nested-sections.png

@jay, For this one, remove the inner section, add the additional columns you want to add below the inner section (at least one) to the outer section, then add the inner section and move it above the columns that you want to see below the section.

I'll run this by the dev team, as you should be able to add fields below the inner section, but the above workaround should get you where you need to be for now.