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Advanced Column Mapping

Came across "Advanced Column Mapping" while configuring updates in a workflow. I searched your site and this forum and didn't come across an article that looked relevant. Can one of you "whip something up" or direct me to the proper location regarding its use and how?

Thank you,


Hi Bob,

Sorry, currently we don't have manual for advanced column mapping. Advanced column mappings are used to update the column with value of current/other list columns using

Literal/Custom values
Place Holders
Query List

Syntax: Column internal Name,,Column Value

Use case: Define multiple approval levels in 'Approval Levels' list and update the current level approver in the Request when the level of the task is approved.

Columns in approval levels list:
- Approval Level Name
- Department
- Amount
- Level
- Approver
- Request Level Approved By
Specify the Request list column internal name to save the 'approver name' from the level in the Request item. This is helpful to determine which user approved the request at this level.

Approval flow:
1. Requester will submit the request for approval process by specifying the required columns.
2. Based on the amount, department and approval level, workflow will get the level from 'Approval Levels' list in ascending order and a task will be created for that approval level.
3. In task creation workflow, copy the 'Request Level Approved By' column value from Approval Levels list to task. This will be used in the advanced column mapping when the task is approved.
4. Next on task approved, configure a workflow to update the Request with current level approver in the request item (see screenshot below).

Uploaded files:
  • Advanced-column-mapping.jpg