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Creating a form to collect multiple new item entries

How would I create a form on a list that can be used to create multiple new records at once?  For example, to add a new training class to our staff listing?

Hi @sherrij_novitas

In general you can create new items from a Form a couple of different ways:

  1. Use Associated Items
    1. You can use the Associated Items field to allow a user to add multiple records to a list before submitting the form. You can actually use the same list to create the records, too (i.e. both the Form the user is on and the list where the records need to be created is the same list). This will work great if the records are created in a separate list from the main Form, too
  2. Use NITRO Workflows or Custom Actions to spawn new records in the desired list.
    1. Using Custom Actions will allow you to present the user with multiple input forms as new records get added to the list. In the Add List Item action, you can use the "User Defined Input" fields to define what the user can input into the new records. You would need one Add List Item action for each record the user needs to add.
    2. Using NITRO Workflows, if you have pre-defined information that you can use to fill out the additional records (i.e. information from the Form that the user is filling out or information in another SharePoint list), you can use a Query List action and then an Add List Action to create the records.

Let me know if those options will work for you. If not, please describe your use case in more detail, and we'll figure out the best way to implement it.