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Cross-Site Lookup Not Linked in List

Is there a way to have a cross-site lookup (single lookup (converted)) link to the lookup list entry?

Use Case:
We have a list of new hires in Site Collection A and that gets list updated programmatically when an equipment request gets created in Site Collection B for the relevant new hire. This is a small part of a larger process that we're converting from script to workflow. Prior to this conversion the script set a URL column not a lookup. Because it is cross-site lookup, it has to be done as a converted line of text, but that doesn't display as a link like a same-site lookup does.

Is there a way to set the lookup as a link or alternatively, set a URL column with the address and text to display?


Single converted lookup stores the lookup column value in the format of ID;#Value. This is shown as hyperlinks in Crow Canyon list views but in native SharePoint list views.

We need to create a hyperlink column and populate the item URL by a NITRO workflow and then we can add this column in native SharePoint list views.

DavisA has reacted to this post.

Thank you.

The url that comes back is very long, is there a way to set the display/link text to be different from the url itself e.g. this would be the display text?

Do you know if there's been a consensus on how to accomplish this through workflow?
