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For Each Loop

Any one have an idea how I could use the Query List feature in workflow to get a list of all the managers for a Ticket Contact (People Multi Select) and add them to another  field in the List.  That other field would be Dept Head(People Multi Select).   I can do this either in the form or on the workflow.  I am just not sure how to be able to set it up. Thanks in advance for any help.

We can setup NITRO Workflow to populate managers of a multiple selection enabled user column.

In the NITRO workflow, after the query list item action to get the item, we can add an 'Update List Item’ action to populate managers in a multi user column. In this example, ‘Manager’ and ‘Staff’ are multiple selection enabled person or group column.

Column mapping:
Column value: QueryListActionName##ColumnPlaceholder
Manager: GetManager##[Manager|Manager]