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Generate CSV and save into file share

Hey team,

I've been digging around and cannot seem to find a way to get this done, but perhaps I'm missing something.

This may be essentially a two-piece request and if I need to make two posts or this should be moved to a different category, I am happy to do so.

  • Generate .CSV file from list data via scheduled workflow
  • Place or save a generated CSV file in a non-SharePoint remote file server

We are looking to be able to generate a CSV file from list data then place(save) that csv into a remote file server all from a workflow that could be scheduled.

~ Thanks


For generating a CSV file, you can call a Web Service or an Azure Function from the scheduled workflow to make this happen. For placing a generated CSV in a remote file server, same idea. The Web Service or Azure Function can work to achieve this.

We'll consider these options for future development, as well.

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