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Get the New Item ID when using the Add List Item action

We have a 'Detail' list with a Lookup column pointing to an item in a 'Master' list. In a Custom Action, we use an [Add List Item] action to create Detail records, which works great. Now we need the item in Master to refer back to that specific item in Detail in the future, and it seems the Detail.ID column would be a good candidate. I read the forum post, Return ItemID on Create New Item, and it looked promising, but I couldn't get it to work.

In our case, the action is named 'Create Checkout Record' and I tried saving '%%Create Checkout Record##[ID|ID]%%' to a text column in the Master item, but that didn't work.

When debugging I see this when the [Add List Item] action executes:

Creating list item ...
Saved item Id: 97
Operation completed successfully.
Action executed successfully.
Exit action execution.

I'm trying to capture the 97 from 'Saved item Id' and save it to the Master item. Is there a way to do this without a lot of coding?

Thanks for the help!