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Section permissions based on check boxes

I have a form that has a choice column (say) red, green, blue.
For simplicity lets say I have 3 sections headed red, green and blue.

The plan is to have the user be able to check 1 or more of the choices and have the corresponding section expand.
I've tried using permissions but nothing is happening so I'm wondering if you can check (enumerate) through the checked values of a choice column in a permissions set-up?

Hi @jay

This should work on multi-select choice columns as well an any other choice column. What is your current permission set up? Also, make sure the "Dynamic condition evaluation" box is checked.

Thanks @james - 3 images attached. 3rd one showing the box checked but the section is still collapsed

Uploaded files:
  • toggle1.PNG
  • toggle2.PNG
  • toggle3.PNG

I have got around this by choosing to show/hide sections rather than try to expand/contract them.
Needs to be coupled with a hide permission for show permission to work correctly.
Also when using a multi-choice checkbox the condition needs to be "contains" rather than equals if wanting to apply it over > 1 section.
My guess is that if training and travel are both checked then the value is training, travel therefore equal travel will never work and both sections are hidden when their corresponding choice is checked.

Just a heads up for anyone who may visit in future wanting to do the same thing.
Apologies for posting this in workflow manager rather than forms designer - my mistake.


James Restivo has reacted to this post.
James Restivo

Thanks, Jay!

Hiding/Showing the section is the right approach here. I'm glad you found the solution.

BTW, I'll move this over to the Forms Designer forum for future reference.

Jay has reacted to this post.