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Site Banners

Hey Crow Canyon Team,

You guys rock and I love using your products. I have a request about branding.

At some point can you introduce a method of adding label banners at the top and bottom of select sites/sub-sites?

Since we are in the government space and keep content that may need to be label, the desire is to have a banner at the top and bottom of each and every page of select sites/sub-sites.

The desired option are:

  • CSS for the banner to set background color, banner heights, and font
  • It would be really nice to allow css class selections so a central CSS can be configured for any of the desired banners

Thank you,


Hi @acr-scout

I'll check with the dev team on what is possible here. Thank you for the input!

Hi @acr-scout,

Can you send over a mock-up of what you would like to see on the site pages? Please send it to prakash(dot)arya(at)crowcanyon(dot)com. Thank you!