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Text Populations as You Type

Hello All,

I am working on a software review and allow list. The [Title] column is the base name of the software and then there is another column for [Version].

My thought is, I only want the base name of the software entered once but the various versions entered as associated items.

I am sure there is a way to do this with Form Action and JS but I need a boost.

For example, suppose someone wants to request the latest version of Notepad++. So in the [Title] column if they start typing Not.... the suggested text will show the available options in the lists such as {Notepad, Notepad++...}. If Notepad++ is already there, the user should stop submission and look up Notepad++ and add and associated item.

So the question, how do I get started with JS to do this?

Hi ACR, I don't fully understand the scenario. It sounds like you have a list that would have items whose titles are the base name of the software. Then when a new item is created in that list, when the user starts typing in the Title of that new item, it should know what other items are in the list and pre-fill the Title? If that is the case, there may be a better way of doing this by having a separate list of Base Names that fills a drop list on the new item form, similar to how we fill in Category on a new Help Desk Ticket using a Lookup column.

Just wanted to get some clarification so we can look into this more and consider possible solutions.