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Choice Field with Fill-in

On the SharePoint 2016 OnPrem forms, when a field is a choice field with the Fill-In option set to Yes, there are two radio buttons, one for the preset choices and one to specify your own value. How do I get that functionality out of NITRO Forms?

If I need to use NITRO Managed Columns with JavaScript, that's fine, but what would be the syntax for setting a field on the form?

Hi Davisa,

We can use NITRO Tags column in NITRO forms which works like a regular choice column. Users can select existing values from dropdown or add new values directly in the column to add as a new option.

Please go to NITRO Forms configured for the list -> click arrow beside Create column as shown below -> click Create Tags column -> add the column to the NITRO Form and publish the settings.

For more details, please refer this manual:

Uploaded files:
  • Tags-column.jpg
DavisA has reacted to this post.

Perfect. Thank you!

@crow-canyon-support hi there - I too was looking to see how Nitro would display a choice control with the fill-in option enabled and then I found this thread.
On the face of it, it works well but the issue is that the value that the user enters persists and becomes a new option for subsequent users as opposed to being a value for that form instance.
Any other work-a-rounds?

We can add a multiple lines of text column and then setup permissions to show/hide in NITRO forms. Please refer help article that has the steps from below link.

How to configure “Allow Fill-in choice” option in Crow Canyon NITRO forms? - Crow Canyon Software Support