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clear a date/time field

Is there a way to clear a date/time field after it has been set a value. For example, I approved a ticket, but now I reopened the ticket,  and want to set "Approved Date" back to blank. Null and empty string don't work.




Hi @michellefu

I assume the field is read-only, otherwise you'd be able to change it directly in the edit form. Since it is read-only, you can use a Form Event Action to reset the field. You can add a new checkbox field called something like "Reset Approval" and permission it so that it is only available to you and whoever else should have access to reset approvals (generally speaking, this option should only be available to administrators who are authorized to override an approval process).

Based on that field changing, you can use the Form Event Action described in this article to change the field to null.

Another option is to use permissions on the Approved Date field in a similar way so that only administrators can edit the field; everyone else will have read-only permission and will not be able to edit the field.

I hope that helps!