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Is there any documentation on how to reference form controls, especially Nitro Managed Columns, using custom script?

Hi Michael,

NITRO Managed columns behaves same as SharePoint columns. Please refer custom script sample usecases from:

Quote from supportTeam on July 28, 2021, 8:29 am

Hi Michael,

NITRO Managed columns behaves same as SharePoint columns. Please refer custom script sample usecases from:

I get that, but what I'm looking for is a list of functions like _ccs_FormUI.fetchColumnValueUI(). Is there one that let's me set individual or all values in a choice column?

Hi Michael,
Yes, please use the below syntax to set values in multi-choice columns.

Syntax: _ccs_FormUI.setColumnControlValueForMappedColumns("Column Internal Name", "Option1; Option2; Option3");
Ex: _ccs_FormUI.setColumnControlValueForMappedColumns("Departments", "IT; HR; Sales");

Perfect! That's what I was looking for. Thanks.