NITRO Studio Version Release Notes


You can now have filtering of lookup items on the fly by implementing “UpdateItemsDataSource” function in JavaScript. For example if you want to only show lookup items where the Title of the item starts with “Email”, you can add script to the NITRO Lookup column settings like below:

// This function is called after items data is fetched from selected lookup list and view.

// Modify the items shown in lookup drop-down.

scriptManager.UpdateLookupItemsData = function (objData) {

// Example: Keep only those items whose display value start with ‘Email’.

// Note: Only the lookup display column and the Id column value is available in objData array.


if (objData && objData.length > 0) {

var TitleColumnName = “Title”;

var resultData = [];

for (var i = 0; i < objData.length; i++) {

if (objData[i][TitleColumnName] && (objData[i][TitleColumnName] + “”).indexOf(“Email”) == 0) {




return resultData;





Another new feature allows you to set the title of the dialog box that pops up sometimes when filling out a NITRO Form. You would enter the script in the Custom JavaScript option in the left panel in NITRO Forms. To set the title, use the following:



NITRO List View


In the Advanced JSON Settings for the List View web part, there is now an option to set the FontWeight value:



“Content”:{“FontSize”:””,”FontWeight”:””}},”ToolTip”:{“BackGroundColor”:”rgb(229 223 223 / 90%)”,”FontColor”:”#000″,”FontSize”:”16px”,”Columns”:[]}}


To learn more about font weight and the options available, read here: font-weight – CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN (

Email Sync


In the Email Sync tool, if a file is sent in as an attachment, certain special characters were preventing the copying of the file from the email to the SharePoint list item. We have now reduced the number of special characters where this happens to the following: ~#%&*{}\:<>?/+|