Email flow in Crow Canyon SharePoint Online Helpdesk application

Applies to: SharePoint Online


This article describes incoming and outgoing email flow in Crow Canyon helpdesk applications. Email flow in crow canyon application involves

  1. Email to Ticket Conversion
  2. Outgoing Emails using Crow Canyon Email
  3. Incoming Email capture (linking email to an existing ticket)

Detailed information

1. Email To Ticket Conversion

  • Crow Canyon Email to Ticket conversion works using Crow Canyon Email Sync and Product App. Crow Canyon Email Sync app reads the new messages from the configured mailbox and creates an item in “Email Tickets” list in our application.
  • Crow Canyon Product app captures the email item created in SharePoint Email Tickets list and creates an item in “Tickets” list if there is no case id syntax present in the email subject.
      • Subject of the email will be set as “Title” on the Ticket.
      • Body of the email will be set as “Description” column on the ticket.
      • Sender of the email will be set as “Requester” on the ticket.
      • If the sender is an external user (not a valid SharePoint user), the sender email address will be set on the “Additional Requester Email” column on the ticket.
  • Once the ticket is created in “Tickets” list, auto notifications will be sent to the requester (sender) and other configured recipients with the predefined mail template (case id syntax in mail subject) in “Notification on Ticket Creation” utility.

Refer below article for more details about “Crow Canyon Email Sync” app configurations.

Refer this article for using the email address configured in Crow Canyon Email Sync app as from address so whenever user reply back to the auto notifications, they are captured in the “Email History” of the ticket.

2. Outgoing Emails using Crow Canyon Email

  • “Crow Canyon Email” button available in “Tickets” list form ribbon can be used by technician to send email to users directly from SharePoint.
  • This “Crow Canyon Email” action sends outgoing email to the selected recipients and at the same time it captures the history in “Email Tickets” based on the configurations.
  • If we configure the “From Address” with the “email address” configured in email sync setting then whenever user reply they directly comes to mailbox and that will be processed to link with existing ticket.

Please refer “Email Manager” section in below article for more details about “Crow Canyon Email” configurations.

Note: If we configure email sync setting mailbox address as “From Address”, then there is a chance that if the recipient configures the out of the box auto reply then these mails comes to mailbox but they should not create duplicate/junk tickets. To address this, please configure the Email Filters settings in “Email Sync” settings.

3. Incoming Email capture (linking email to an existing ticket)

  • When users reply to auto notifications and/or email sent using “Crow Canyon Email” action button that has case id syntax in the subject, that reaches to “Email Tickets” list using Crow Canyon Email Sync app.
  • Crow Canyon Product app catches this email and links the email to “Ticket” and is available in “Email History” in the ticket.


Note: If outgoing emails are not working in Crow Canyon application, please refer outgoing emails troubleshooting article from:


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