Crow Canyon NITRO apps launch behaviour in SharePoint On-Premises

Applies to: SharePoint 2013 & 2016 and SharePoint Server Subscription Edition


Crow Canyon NITRO Apps features and launch behaviours are little different in SharePoint online and SharePoint On-Premises. The NITRO Studio Dashboard is not available in SharePoint On-Premises. This article describes the steps to access different NITRO components in SharePoint On-Premises.

Crow Canyon NITRO Forms

Go to a list -> List Settings -> Click “Crow Canyon NITRO Forms” and configure the required tab, columns as needed. Please refer instructions to configure NITRO forms from:

Crow Canyon Custom Actions

Go to a list -> List Settings -> Click “Crow Canyon Custom Actions” link and configure the custom actions as needed. Please refer instructions from:

Crow Canyon Workflow Manager

Go to the Settings (gear icon) from the top right corner of the browser and click on “Crow Canyon Workflow Manager” and configure the workflows as needed. Refer instructions from:

Crow Canyon List Search

Please refer instructions to configure Crow Canyon List search web part from: . For more details regarding the Crow Canyon List Search, please refer

Crow Canyon Tiles & Dials

Please refer this article for Tiles configuration in SharePoint On-Premises.

To configure the Tiles & Dials, we need two lists “Home Tiles” and “Home Arcs”. Please download those list templates from: ListTemplates

Crow Canyon Conditional Formatting

Go to a list -> List Settings -> Crow Canyon Conditional Formatting. Please refer instructions to configure Crow Canyon Conditional Format from:

Crow Canyon Calculated Table

Please refer instructions to configure Crow Canyon reports from: . For more details regarding the Crow Canyon Calculated table, please refer:

Crow Canyon Advanced Email

Go to a list -> List Settings -> Crow Canyon Advanced Email Settings. Please refer Crow Canyon Advanced email section from:

Crow Canyon Print Manager

Go to a list -> List Settings -> Crow Canyon Print Manager Settings. Please refer instructions to configure Print templates from:

Crow Canyon Branding

Go to Site Settings -> Crow Canyon Branding. For more details, please refer Crow Canyon Branding from:

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